A Guide To Using Your IPhone Efficiently
An iPhone is a very useful device. It is used as an organizer, or even as a means of personal entertainment. There are a lot of ways you can personalize your iPhone work better to suit your needs.

It is common to drop the phone in a water puddle, a puddle of water or something else wet.Rather than using a dryer, softly wipe the phone and submerge it in a plastic ziptop bag with plenty of rice.
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Say you are searching the web for a nearby dry cleaner. When locating the number, you don't have to visit your phone option to actually place the call. Just tap on the number; you then connect to the business you want to contact.
The iPhone gives you to grow the dictionary and shortcuts. This allows you to personalize each and every one of your speech. You can add your own phrases into your shortcuts menu. The keyboard automatically tries to correct you type various phrases and words.
There is an app that allows users to upload files to the iPhone and make it a storage device for your important files. You can use your phone for many applications like image and video uploads, music or pictures and text files.You just need to link your iPhone to a computer in order to access files, or you can view/listen to them on your phone.
Did you know you can use your headphone cord to take a photo? Begin by bringing the picture you want to capture.When you are ready to snap the shot, just press down on the cord's button. This will then take the picture.You can now save the picture by following the same steps you would normally.
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Your iPhone is much more than a normal phone because of its many amazing features. Remember though, between features and apps, the iPhone's capabilities are nearly limitless. Use the advice above to make you iPhone all that it can be.
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